15th wedding anniversary wishes for couple| 15 year wedding anniversary images

15th wedding anniversary quotes:

No matter if you’ve been together for 1 year or 20 years, your anniversary is a special moment in time for you and your partner. There are many ways you can celebrate your lovely moments as your anniversary comes around this year, but one thing that is certain is that you’ll want to make it extraordinary. Download 15th wedding anniversary wishes for couple & 15 year wedding anniversary images from here..

15th wedding anniversary quotes for husband:


  • Every day I discover that I love you even more, and in this infinite universe I will love you till the ends.
  • Every heart sings a song, incomplete until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.
  • So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you
  • I don’t want our lives to be quoted as an example of the perfect marriage, but as the coolest adventure ride that two people ever took.
  • Being loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
  • Hope you two continue having the best in life with each others. Happy Anniversary.

15th wedding anniversary quotes for wife:

  • Our anniversary is not just a celebration of our wedding day. It is the celebration of every day of being married to an awesome guy like you. Happy anniversary.
  • Do you know what it is that will always sparkle brighter than the diamond in my wedding ring? My eyes, every time I see you. Happy anniversary.
  • I don’t want our lives to be quoted as an example of the perfect marriage, but as the coolest adventure ride that two people ever took. Happy anniversary.
  • I am the most luckiest person to have such a beautiful and loving wife like you. May we both stay like this forever. God bless both of us, as he always had. Happy anniversary.
  • May the rest of our lives always be like our first anniversary – exciting, youthful and hopelessly romantic. Happy first anniversary!

15th wedding anniversary quotes for friends:

  • True love never dies, it only grows stronger and truer with the passing of time. It’s clear to see that your love is the strongest and truest kind. Happy Anniversary!
  • Even after so many years of living together, you both haven’t got tired of each other. Here’s wishing that you stay like this forever. Happy anniversary.
  • Falling in love is easy, but staying in love is something different. You did it. Happy Anniversary!
  • Happy Anniversary! May you get many more years of life together to celebrate with your love getting stronger and stronger with time.
  • It started with a simple ring, You became husband and wife, You progressed to being parents And you’re still best friends for life. Happy Anniversary.


You are the parents every kid wishes for, you are the couple that all lovers wish to be & you are the strong pillar of support every family prays for. 15th wedding anniversary wishes for couple.

downoad-happy-15th-anniversary-wishes-for-parentsYou’ve taught me that love doesn’t have to be perfect, and that’s what it so precious and beautiful. Loving your partner’s imperfections is something that makes relationships last forever. Congratulations on your 15th Anniversary.

Download-happy-anniversary-mom-and-dad-from-daughter-statusHappy 15th Anniversary Mom & Dad. To call you my parents is the biggest blessing I could ever receive. Looking at you I understand what true love is, and I really hope that someday I will meet someone who will make me as happy as you make each other every day.

latest-15th-wedding-anniversary-wishes-for-parentsCongratulations on your 15th Anniversary. Mom and Dad! Your love is something that inspires me each and every day, and I’m happy to say that I know; it will last forever.

You can also download 10th marriage anniversary images by clicking here.


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