Happy Nurse Day Wishes Images Messages

Happy Nurse Day Wishes Images & Messages

Mostly people think that doctors are the most important person in the medical field, but its not true nurses are the main pillar in medical. With out the assistance of nurses doctors can not perform their duties properly. Looking after the injured and ill person day and night is so difficult, but nurses always having a smile on the face perform there duties vary well. Download Happy Nurse Day Wishes Images Messages from here..

Happy International Nurses Day Theme, Images, Quotes, Messages & Wishes


Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. By Leo Buscaglia

Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution. By Gibran Khalil Gibran

Apprehension, uncertainty, waiting, expectation, fear of surprise, do a patient more harm than any exertion.

The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest. William Osler, MD

Nurses Day Greetings Messages

2019-International-Nurses-DayNurses dispense comfort, compassion, and caring without even a prescription. By Val Saintsbury

The most important practical lesson than can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe. Florence Nightingale

Happy Nurses Day to all the wonderful nurses of the world! The dedication you show towards your job is marvelous and praiseworthy.

Happy Nurses Day to all the nurses who take the front rows in the battles against epidemics like the true warriors! Our respect to you!

Nurses Day Messages, Quotes

Happy-Nurses-Day-QuotesOur job as nurses is to cushion the sorrow and celebrate the joy, everyday, while we are ‘just doing our jobs. By Christine Belle.

Happy Nurses Day to an amazing nurse! Thank you for sacrificing most of your weekends on the patients instead of going to movies!

Thanks for taking such good care of people in the most difficult days of their life. Thanks for your unconditional services and patience.

It is truly strange that how people work with complete dedication to serve others and don’t get recognized for their unconditional services. Wishing you a Happy Nurses Day for such wonderful work.

Nurses Day Wishes

Download-Nurses-Day-Celebrations-ImagesNurses dispense comfort, compassion, and caring with or without even a prescription. Val Saintsbury

Save one life and you’re a hero, save a hundred lives and you’re a nurse…

On this nursing day i want to send a heartfelt wish your way. May all your days be as beautiful as you have made all of mine.

You are the most hardworking person who takes best care of the patients without complaints. On Nurses Day, I would like to thank you for being such a wonderful selfless person.

Thanks for taking such good care of me in the most difficult days of my life. Thanks for your unconditional services and patience. Wishing you a wonderful and Happy Nurses Day.

dwonload-happy-nurses-day-2019-ImagesAs a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may not remember your name but they will never forget the way you made them feel. By Maya Angelou

Happy Nursing Day to the one who knows how to heal with love…..

Where there is love of nursing, there is love of mankind…..

To all you Nurses in the world, I admire and look up to you. you are awesome and seriously hold the greatest titles on earth…

You can also download International Nurses Day Quotes by clicking here..